"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Friday 11 March 2016

Battle of the Feral Ewoks, Travelling Trees and Songs from the Wooden Pentagon

Battle of the Feral Ewoks, Travelling Trees 
and Songs from the Wooden Pentagon


Styx Not Sticks! Feral Ewoks Saving the Styx Forest
Green defenders mass to stop the logging of some of the last Old Growth forest in eastern Australia - part of the Forest Wars series by R. Ayana @ https://youtu.be/MzT7eorvqV8

Travelling Trees
Trees travel Australia's highways, towns and cities to spread the alarm about what's happening to their forest homes, hidden from sight of the population  @ https://youtu.be/-LzV5qfSi8I


Song created and performed by Alius and Schmarah Lavafalls in a wooden pentagon in a remote forest @ https://youtu.be/d8pWEjixyQk


Goddess HermAphrodite

Occupy the Forests! See the true story of indigenous Australians reclaiming their stolen lives and lands with help from dreadlocked ferals, hippy activists and local farmers and residents. As loggers approach irreplaceable forest and pristine water they do all they can to save the forest of Little Wonder...

See Feral Tribes - Saving Little Wonder Part 1 ~
Occupy the Forests! @ http://youtu.be/vmjDklXj6qE
See Water and Fire - Saving Little Wonder Part 2 @ https://youtu.be/gkaOuiwHTzc
See Forest Action - Saving Little Wonder Part 3 @ https://youtu.be/zsRt7KrweHg
Stolen Land, Stolen Lives: Gumbaynggirr Men Saving Their Forests @ https://youtu.be/A1iAUUEepA0

Save Your World!

A document tree by R. Ayana
Images - R. Ayana

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  1. 🔺WARNING 🔺WARNING WARNING 🔺 Beware of illuminati impersonation Do not send money to any body in the NAME OF ILLUMINATI

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    I am Jay Z we read on the internet that so many people are being scammed just because they want to join us. Please note that as an American you don't pay any money to become a member. all you need to do is to signify your interest and then you be given a task and then be initiated. We are currently working on getting rid of those rippers online. Please don't fall victims anymore. If you wish to join us contact the temple messenger directly on our officials (illuminatikingdom56@gmail.com) or text/call Agent Brother James Watt on +1(617)663-8926 for more information and membership.
    Jay Z


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