"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Friday 2 July 2010

What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole

What the bleep do we know?
Down the rabbit hole
 Part 1
The collapse of religious & scientific dogmas and the New Reformation of the Earthly paradigm into a quantum reality of freedom and enlightenment.
Part 2
First released in theaters in 2004, WTBDWK!? went on to become one of the most successful documentaries of all time. Now distributed in over 30 countries, it has stunned audiences with its revolutionary cinematic blend of dramatic film, documentary, animation and comedy, while serving up a mind-jarring blend of Quantum Physics, spirituality, neurology and evolutionary thought.
Its success has spanned a massive extended DVD set ("Down the Rabbit Hole")…
Part 3
For further enlightenment see –

The Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

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